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What is Lean Architecture?

Lean Architecture is the ongoing process of rethinking and improving architectural methodology.  It is the pursuit of better work by applying Lean principles to every aspect of practice. It is about smarter information flow and understanding how we perceive and process information in order to be better communicators amongst ourselves and to the users of our services.  It is identifying what adds value and reducing and eliminating what doesn’t.


Southwest Airlines realized they made money when planes were in the air.  An operation was developed around this idea and coupled with outstanding service.  What can design professionals learn from this? 



Most buildings are unique, but the processes used to manage, design, and document them are mostly the same – or should be.  These practices are open to improvement, and in many cases, drastic improvement.


3 goals

  • Structure work to flow
  • Reduce Variation
  • Eliminate or mitigate obstacles to progressing the work


 Why Lean? 

Lean Thinking has become the terminology associated with best understanding and advancing processes in manufacturing, software development, management, construction, and healthcare. Other management philosophies worth noting are Six Sigma and the Theory Of Constraints.